Footage Of The Amazon Van That Was Split In Half By A Train Has Finally Been Released By TMZ And It Is BANANAS

First off, I have to tip my hat to TMZ. Somehow, someway, they've remained one of the most relevant news sites on the Internet for multiple decades and manage to get their hands on (mostly) correct and wild scoops. I can't imagine how you manage to get the dashcam footage from Amazon years later, but they happened to do that too.

This video was the gift that kept on giving. Thankfully he wasn't hurt, but I aspire to be more like this guy who just started shaking his head literally INCHES away from being turned into smithereens from a high speed moving train. Calmness levels like you read about. I'd take this guy to make the 41st consecutive free throw in the Chicago office over maybe any man on the planet. Amazon probably was like "oh that sucks, we'll have a new van out to continue your route shortly, they're 17 minutes out" and it was just a free 20 minute lunch break that he wouldn't have gotten otherwise. 

And what happened to railroad crossings or lights? It looked like he just made a turn and a few seconds later had half of his van chopped off. Luckily for us, I'm a journalist and did not stop scrolling Twitter until I found the answer to how this happened:

Sheesh. Again thankfully nothing else came from this, and call me crazy but I think Amazon can probably cover the cost of this van and a nice vacation for this guy, but I'm buying a lottery ticket tomorrow if I'm him.


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